Our Services

Research and Advisory

We compile research-based analysis and advisory packages that are tailored to address the specific contingencies of the African country, region or local environment within which our clients operate.

African Country Inductions and Intercultural Training

 We offer African country inductions, intercultural training and community-based research that helps our clients avoid cultural misunderstandings.

Strategic Foresight and African Sociopolitical Futures

We utilise strategic foresight methodologies so as to offer our clients a systematic way of thinking about the future.

Election Directions

The declining democratisation of African politics requires that those operating in African countries need to have a deep understanding of how a country’s elections will affect their operating environment. Know Africa combines the best on-the-ground political analysis with cutting-edge data tools and analytics to ensure that its clients are prepared for any changes an election may bring.

Know Africa Research Consultants (Pty) Ltd.

Know Africa specialises in research-based advisory for those doing business in African countries.

Research Services | Johannesburg, Gauteng

Know Africa Research Consultants (Pty) Ltd.


Know Africa Research Consultants specialises in research-based advisory for those doing business in African countries.

In addition to a deep understanding of numerous African countries and their business environments, Know Africa’s consultants are experienced in the implementation of a broad range of research and analytic methodologies. As a result, we have knowledge, skills and experience needed to offer research and advice that is relevant to today’s African business settings.

We know Africa.

Our approach to doing business in Africa

At Know Africa Research Consultants, we believe that because the experience and requirements of doing business in African countries vary so greatly, only research-driven, tailored and client-focused solutions result in success. We, therefore, differentiate ourselves from others through our drive to ensure that all analysis and advice rendered is carefully tailored to suit our clients business needs and is shaped to suit the specific African environment within which they operate.

In addition, we take great care to ensure that our clients’ business actions are not at odds with local cultures, communities or consumers. This is of particular importance when doing business in African countries, where causing offence through a lack of knowledge of local practice, custom or culture can have a very negative effect on productivity and company image.